Humanitarian aid courses
Since its creation, the PuntoSud Academy is specialised in supporting humanitarian aid workers worldwide.
Thanks to its cooperation with the DG ECHO, with three Framework Contracts signed to develop and deliver training programmes and helpdesk services to all DG ECHO Partners and staff, the Academy gained real insight of the humanitarian aid context.
We have developed a significant number of training modules, which have been delivered all over the world to thousands of humanitarian aid workers from NGOs, International Organisations, Commission’s staff and Member States Specialised Agencies.
Besides the support to the DG ECHO, we have also been involved in the past years in the EU Aid Volunteers and now in the EU Solidarity Corps program training voluteers taking part to these initiatives.
Given these experiences and our expertise in conceiving and delivering a wide range of training services, we are able to organise face-to-face/virtual classroom training/webinars and develop eLearning, wikis and websites, based on your specific needs.
The main topics of our training are related to the EU Humanitarian Aid principles and its working modalities, the DG ECHO Partnership 2021 rules and procedures, the use of the Single Form, the main rules for the management (including financial management) of the DG ECHO-funded projects.
Virtual ClassroomView all dates
Virtual Classroom
How to write a successful Single Form
3-day session training course designed to strengthen knowledge and skills in making best use of the 2021 Single Form format for the preparation of the proposal
Virtual Classroom
Managing ECHO Humanitarian Actions
3-day virtual training module to strengthen the participants’ ability to implement an ECHO-funded action.
Virtual Classroom
Mastering financial management for DG ECHO-funded actions
3-day session training course designed to strengthen participants’ knowledge of financial rules applicable to the DG ECHO Model Grant Agreement.
Donor-funded Learning ProgramView page
Virtual Classroom
Be prepared for an ECHO Audit
1-day virtual classroom course to give an overview of the Audit process and methodology
Virtual Classroom
Exploring DG ECHO: Understanding Humanitarian Aid
1-day virtual classroom course to provide a clear and practical understanding of cross-checking financial information in the Single Form and its financial annexes.
Virtual Classroom
Financial Management of a DG ECHO-funded action
2-days virtual classroom course to cover those elements related to the financial management of a DG ECHO-funded action
Virtual Classroom
How to move around the 2021 Single Form
3-days virtual classroom course to explore the Single Form format chapter by chapter and explain DG ECHO requirements
Virtual Classroom
Implementing a DG ECHO funded Action under the Model Grant Agreement
2-days virtual classroom course to provide a practical overview of the main implementation rules to properly manage a DG ECHO funded Action
Virtual Classroom
Mastering DG ECHO's Grant Budget
1-day virtual classroom course to provide the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for navigating the realm of DG ECHO's humanitarian aid world
Virtual Classroom
Minimum Environmental Requirements and Recommendation in Humanitarian Aid operations
2-days virtual classroom course to guide humanitarian organisations in applying the minimum environmental requirements and recommendations for DG ECHO funded projects
Virtual Classroom
Understanding DG ECHO’s Logistics Policy: Promoting more efficient, effective and greener logistics in humanitarian actions
2-days virtual classroom course that allows participants to gain a good overall understanding of the approach to logistics that DG ECHO is encouraging and the purpose of the DG ECHO Logistics policy, identifying best practices related to the framework for operations.
Virtual Classroom
Working together: co-Partners and Implementing Partners
1-day virtual classroom course to clarify the 2021 terminology of co-partners and implementing partners and their respective duties and obligations
Audit process 2014
eLearning course dedicated to field audits and HQ audits
Be prepared for a DG ECHO Audit
eLearning course designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the audit process and how to manage the audit workflow.
DG ECHO Protection Mainstreaming Key Objective Indicator (PM KOI)
eLearning course dedicated to understand the main concepts behind the PMKOI
Discovering the online & offline Single Form technicalities
eLearning course to provide a complete presentation of the online and offline Single Form
Final Report 2014
eLearning course to support participants in dealing with the steps required by DG ECHO for a correct preparation of the final report
Greening Humanitarian Aid
eLearning course that aims to support its partners (and its staff) in better addressing environmental issues and reducing their footprint, as well as facilitating collective learning within the humanitarian sector.
How to deal with key financial aspects of DG ECHO-funded actions
eLearning course to support participants in dealing with the main financial elements of a DG ECHO funded action
Implementing DG ECHO Cash Transfers Policy
eLearning course that aims to familiarise you with key information to be provided in the Single Form when submitting proposals on cash assistance.
Mainstreaming disability inclusion in humanitarian actions
eLearning course to enhance your understanding of inclusive humanitarian action strategies
Mainstreaming Gender and Age in humanitarian actions
eLearning to provide an overview of the DG ECHO gender-age marker toolkit and its application to humanitarian actions
Preparing the 2021 Final Report
eLearning course to support participants in dealing with the steps required by DG ECHO for a correct preparation of the final report
Procurement of medical supplies and food in humanitarian aid
eLearning course to give you a detailed overview of the provisions on medical and food supplies.
The Crisis Modifier
eLearning course to make you familiar with the Crisis Modifier, an important tool that will allow you to integrate flexibility and preparedness into humanitarian responses and to design risk-informed programmes.
The EU Humanitarian Partnership 2021-2027
eLearning course to support candidate NGOs in dealing with the steps of the ex-ante assessment and familiarise with the DG ECHO partnership certificate 2021.
The Resilience Marker
eLearning course dedicated to the concepts of resilience
Understanding DG ECHO's Humanitarian Logistics Policy
eLearning course to better understand humanitarian logistics and its importance in the successful delivery of humanitarian aid
What you need to know about procurement in DG ECHO funded Actions
eLearning course to provide a complete presentation of procurement procedures to be applied by NGOs when dealing with procurement processes in DG ECHO funded actions.
NewsView all
Humanitarian Aid
Nuova Opportunità di Lavoro presso la PuntoSud Academy
Nuova posizione aperta per Humanitarian Aid Projects Training Specialist
Development Cooperation
Exciting New Opportunities and Learning Offerings for 2024!
Webinar: New Opportunities and Learning Offerings from PuntoSud Academy, December 6th h 12 pm (CET)
Humanitarian Aid
4-Year DG ECHO Framework Contract for providing Support to all ECHO Partners has just been signed by PuntoSud!
Contact us
If you’ve got questions, or you are willing to deliver courses tailored for your organisation, get in touch with our experts.