Our catalogue
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Face-To-Face Classroom
Face-To-Face Classroom
Approaching the EU as a donor
1-day training course designed to strengthen the participants’ skills and capacity to identify EU funding opportunities and approach EU delegations for mobilizing funds for their projects.
Face-To-Face Classroom
Become a master of contractual and financial management of EU Grants
3-day face-to-face training to provide a specific and practical overview of all the rules and procedures applicable to Grants contract signed under the PRAG 2021
Face-To-Face Classroom
Crafting winning proposals for EU grants
Gain practical expertise in Managing EU-Funded projects according to PRAG 2025 procedures
Face-To-Face Classroom
Gestione finanziaria dei Grant dell'Unione Europea secondo la PRAG
Corso in aula di 2 giorni per fornire un quadro esaustivo dell’applicazione pratica delle procedure di gestione finanziaria delle sovvenzioni dell’UE secondo le procedure della PRAG
Face-To-Face Classroom
Get EU Grants: writing successful proposals
3-day face-to-face training designed to strengthen the participants’ knowledge of the EU as a donor and their capacity to write successful project proposals and receive EU grants
Virtual Classroom
Virtual Classroom
AICS e iniziative promosse dai Soggetti di Cooperazione: dal Documento Unico di Progetto (DUP) alla liquidazione finale
Corso di 3 giorni per familiarizzare con i requisiti e le procedure applicabili alla redazione e implementazione di iniziative di cooperazione internazionale finanziate dall’AICS
Virtual Classroom
Contribution Agreements of EU-Funded projects
3-day session training course designed to strengthen the participants’ skills and capacity in managing EU-funded international cooperation projects
Virtual Classroom
Financial Management of EU Grants
3-day session course on EU grant financial management. Learn to manage budgets, procurement plans, and prepare for expenditure verifications and audits in EU-funded projects with expert-led sessions.
Virtual Classroom
Gestione contrattuale e finanziaria dei progetti promossi AICS
Comprensione degli obblighi contrattuali e finanziari per le iniziative promosse dai Soggetti di Cooperazione AICS
Virtual Classroom
How to write a successful Single Form
3-day session training course designed to strengthen knowledge and skills in making best use of the 2021 Single Form format for the preparation of the proposal
Virtual Classroom
Managing ECHO Humanitarian Actions
3-day virtual training module to strengthen the participants’ ability to implement an ECHO-funded action.
Virtual Classroom
Managing Financial Support to Third Parties
2-day training session to fully familiarise with all the activities related to Financial Support to Third Parties within an EU-funded projects
Virtual Classroom
Mastering financial management for DG ECHO-funded actions
3-day session training course designed to strengthen participants’ knowledge of financial rules applicable to the DG ECHO Model Grant Agreement.
Virtual Classroom
Monitoring and Evaluation in EU-Funded Projects
Learn how to set up effective monitoring and evaluation systems for EU-funded projects in this 2-day training course. Gain tools, insights, and strategies to track results and achieve project success.
Virtual Classroom
Narrative and Financial Reports for EU-Funded Projects
Master the Reporting Requirements for EU Grants
Virtual Classroom
Reporting on the implementation of Grants under the PRAG rules
2-day session to strengthen participants’ capacity to prepare interim and final narrative and financial following the PRAG rules and best practices
Virtual Classroom
Result-based planning and management
3-day session training course on how to realistically design and implement actions combining donor needs, limited resources and strategic development
Virtual Classroom
Writing winning proposals for EU grants
Master the Art of Writing EU Project Proposals to Secure Funding for International Cooperation
Surviving the Complexities of Log Frame Approach, Theory of Change, and Result-Based Management: a practical guide to get oriented
Are these different names for similar concepts or concepts which specific function which can coexist and integrate with each other?
The New PRAG 2025 - Updates & Key Changes for Grants
Join us for an insightful webinar on the latest updates of the PRAG 2025, with a special focus on key changes in grant procedures.
All you need to know about financial support to third parties in EU Grants
eLearning course to strengthen knowledge and capacity in dealing with financial support to third parties and ensure compliance with the applicable PRAG provisions.
Be prepared for EU project expenditure verifications
eLearning course to gain the knowledge you need to deal with the next expenditure verification of an EU grant.
Creating and implementing an effective Code of Conduct
eLearning course to increase understanding of how to develop and implement your organisation’s code of conduct.
Dealing with simplified cost options
eLearning course to increase understanding of how to use and report on Simplified Cost Options
EU Grant implementation in a nutshell: quick overview
eLearning course to strengthen knowledge of the key rule for implementing Grants funded by DG INTPA and DG NEAR.
Getting fear out of EU procurement
eLearning course designed to increase staff understanding of how to comply with procurement principles and procedures requested within the framework of an EU-funded action.
Recording: The New PRAG 2025 - Updates & Key Changes for Grants
Access the recording of the webinar presenting the key changes introduced by the PRAG 2025 in grant award and management procedures.
UN and Pillar-Assessed Organisations: an introduction to EU Grants contractual and financial management
Comprehensive step-by-step guidance to managing of EU Contribution Agreements.
Certificate Programs
Certificate Program
Mastering financial and contractual management of EU Grants for UN and Pillar-Assessed Organisations
A Certificate Program composed of one virtual classroom courses and one eLearning module to provide all the necessary skills to effectively work on EU international cooperation programs.
Certificate Program
Mastering financial management of EU Grants
A Certificate Program composed of one virtual classroom course and three eLearning modules, to gain the know-how you need to properly manage, report and account for EU international cooperation programs.
Certificate Program
Mastering winning proposals and EU Grants management
Two virtual classroom courses, one eLearning module and 1-hour consultancy to provide all the necessary skills to propose successful proposals, reports and manage Grants under the PRAG rules
Certificate Program
eLearning Package: A closer look at specific EU Grant implementing rules
A learning package composed of six eLearning courses designed to provide in-depth knowledge of specific rules and provisions linked to the management of EU-funded projects
Certificate Program
Unlocking the potential of Financial Support to Third Parties
A Certificate Program composed of one virtual classroom course and one eLearning module to provide all the necessary skills to effectively manage financial support to third parties in the framework of DG INTPA/DG NEAR funded projects.
Donor-Funded Learning Programs
Contact us
If you’ve got questions, or you are willing to deliver courses tailored for your organisation, get in touch with our experts.