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  • Category Virtual Classroom
  • Duration 15h
  • Language English
  • Date Contact Us

Virtual Classroom

Result-based planning and management

3-day session training course on how to realistically design and implement actions combining donor needs, limited resources and strategic development

Course Description

More and more, the concept ‘result based’ is used to identify the core principles of the major part of donors funding mechanisms. This very often induces to overload the design work, and the related implementation phase, with complex, poorly-realistic and not easily sharable methods even within organisations, which are inspired by different management methods.


In the last 30 years, manuals and donor guidelines have been making a great effort to introduce, propose and enforce robust and highly sophisticated planning & management methods, like ZOPP, RBM, Logframe Approach, ToC, just to mention some. The question is ‘what should we do today’ with this massive theoretical evolution, when designing and managing quality projects that – at the same time - fully comply with donors’ requirements and meet our target’s needs?”


The course aims to respond to this question by providing an overview of the most common planning & management methods and by accompanying participants in linking mainly PCM, RBM and ToC, for the benefit of clear evidence of project achievements and of change. The proposed learning path, meant to enhance the planning and management skills of – among others - project designers, project managers, desk officers, compliance officers, combines the focus on donors’ requirements (in particular EU) with the realistic and effective project design and management, fully in line with the organisations’ strategic goals.

The course is based on the facilitators’ thirty-year first-hand experience on the topics, on their review of manuals and on their contributions to the international debates on planning & management methods.

Learning objectives

By the end of the course, you will be able to:


  • Know key concepts, terminology
  • Acknowledge the value added of outlining sound project logics (ToC, result chain, output and outcomes, indicators) for effective and efficient project management
  • Set up and critically manage the (result-based) process from the project idea to the project conclusion
Course structure and timing

By subscribing to this course, you will have access to a dedicated page on the PuntoSud learning platform. From here, you can join the live sessions, download the course materials and complete all the assignments.


The course is structured in 3 days of 4 hours of interactive online sessions combined with self-learning. The total time to complete the course is approximately 15 hours:


  • Preliminary tasks 1 hour – you will be asked to introduce yourself, complete the survey on training expectations and go through some preliminary training materials.
  • Live sessions12h – 3 sessions of 4 hours each - the sessions will be facilitated by Mr. Andrea Stroppiana and PuntoSud experts and they include lectures, plenary and group discussions, group work, quizzes and online interactive exercises. The live sessions will be recorded and made available in the learning platform.
  • Additional learning material1h30m, you will have at your disposal additional readings and documents that you can study at your own pace.
  • Forum discussion – you can ask questions and share relevant information with the trainers and the other participants.
  • Final tasks15 mins – complete the exit test and fill out the evaluation form.
How to apply

At the moment this course is available for in-house sessions only. If you are interested, please contact us at this email address

Who is this course for

This course is designed for any people engaged in designing, managing or and interacting in development projects (regardless of the sector of intervention and the geographical context) who want to:


  • discover more about the existing links between PCM, RBM and ToC ;
  • Study the tools that can be used in the design, management and measurement of the changes produced in developing context
  • aim to ensure compliance with the latest donors’ requirements in this field.


A basic knowledge of the PCM and logframe approach is suitable for this course.

Technical requirements

Computer or tablet with a microphone and speakers or a headset and Internet connection. The live sessions are organized in Zoom – no additional software is required.

How long you will have access to the training material is available

All the material will be available for 7 calendar days before the starting date and for 15 calendar days after the end of the last training session.

Certificate of attendance

Once you have reviewed the training material and completed the exit test you can download your certificate of attendance from the learning platform. Each specific course has a certificate to download.

The certificates and the records of the courses attended are always available in your profile page

How to buy the course and other FAQs

For any queries please have a look at our FAQs. If you don’t find what you’re looking for or need additional information, please get in touch with our customer care service.

Skill Level

Intermediate - Advanced

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