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  • Category Virtual Classroom
  • Duration 20h
  • Language English
  • Date Contact Us

Virtual Classroom

Get EU Grants: writing successful proposals

4-day session training course designed to strengthen the participants’ capacity to write successful project proposals and receive EU grants

Course Description

This course provides practical guidance on how to prepare project proposals with the goal of obtaining funding from the DG INTPA/DG NEAR and the EU delegations for your development cooperation programs. Discover how the EU funding and programming system works and note our experts’ tips on how to establish a fruitful relationship with the EC and the EU delegations. Learn how to deal with calls for proposals and strengthen your competence in proposal writing and budgeting to be successful in the grant application process.

Learning objectives

By the end of the course, you will be able to:


  • Detect what is important to know about the EU funding and programming system.
  • Identify and analyze the EU programming documents related to financial instruments and multi-annual strategic documents.
  • Follow the key steps of the application process in a call for proposals.
  • Fill out the concept note and full application with relevant information, according to EU requirements and evaluation criteria.
  • Draft sound logframes.
  • Draft realistic budgets in compliance with eligibility rules and requirements.
  • Increase the success rate of you project proposals.
Course structure and timing

By subscribing to this course, you will have access to a dedicated page on the PuntoSud learning platform. From here, you can join the live sessions, download the course materials and complete all the assignments.


The curse is structured in 4 days of 4 hours of interactive online sessions combined with self-learning. Total time commitment over the period of the course is approximately 20 hours:


  • Preliminary tasks 1 hour – you will be asked to introduce yourself, complete the survey on training expectations and go through some preliminary training materials.  


  • Live sessions16 hours: 4 sessions of 4 hours each - the session will be facilitated by PuntoSud experts and includes lectures, plenary and group discussions, group work, quizzes and online interactive exercises. The live sessions will be recorded and made available in the learning platform.


  • Additional learning material1h30m – for the duration of the course, you will have at your disposal additional readings and documents, exercises and interactive eLearning modules that you can follow at your own pace.


  • Forum discussion – you can ask questions and share relevant information with the trainers and the other participants.


  • Final tasks30 mins – complete the exit test and fill out the evaluation form.
Who is this course for

This course is designed for:


  • Staff of NGOs and other not-for-profit organizations with some experience in EU funding and programming system who wish to improve their capacity and success rate in writing proposals;


  • Staff of UN agencies and other pillar assessed organisations usually participating in calls for proposals and using EU application formats;


  • Professionals and consultants who are interested in improving their project proposal writing skills.


Previous experience or knowledge relating to accessing and managing EU funding is suitable, but not compulsory.

Technical requirements

You will need access to a computer or tablet with a microphone and speakers or a headset, and an Internet connection. The course will be held over Zoom – no additional software is required.

How long you will have access to training material

All the material will be available 7 calendar days before the starting date and until 30 calendar days after the end of the last training session.

Certificate of attendance

Once you have completed all the training material and passed the exit test, your certificate of attendance for each specific course will be available to download from the learning platform. The certificates are always available in your profile page with historical data of all PuntoSud Academy courses you’ve attended.

How to buy the course and other FAQs

For any queries please have a look at our FAQs. If you don’t find what you’re looking for or need additional information, please get in touch with our customer care service.

We're sorry, but the selected date for the course is currently unavailable. However, we may offer it again in the future. If you're interested, please click on the button and leave your email address. We'll notify you if and as soon as a new date becomes available.

Certificate Program

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Mastering winning proposals and EU Grants management


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EU Grants Learning HUB

Skill Level

Intermediate - Advanced