What's new?
Development Cooperation
New Contribution Agreement
On May 2022, a new Contribution Agreement has been adopted and is applicable to EU-funded projects managed by the UN and other pillar-assessed organisations.
The changes occured concerns various topics, such as: new visibility and communication requirements (and no need to provide a Communication & Visibility plan!), new costs included among the ineligible costs, no more rules on publication of information of Contractors and Grant beneficiaries.
The PuntoSud Academy updated its eLearning module UN and Pillar-Assessed Organisations: an introduction to EU Grants contractual and financial management and also its virtual classroom Contractual and financial management of EU Grants in practice accordingly.
Do not miss the opportunity to take one of these two courses (or both… take advantage from the learning plan) to get in depth knowledge on how to manage EU-funded projects as a pillar assessed organisations.
Humanitarian Aid
Nuova Opportunità di Lavoro presso la PuntoSud Academy
Nuova posizione aperta per Humanitarian Aid Projects Training Specialist
Development Cooperation
Exciting New Opportunities and Learning Offerings for 2024!
Webinar: New Opportunities and Learning Offerings from PuntoSud Academy, December 6th h 12 pm (CET)
Humanitarian Aid
4-Year DG ECHO Framework Contract for providing Support to all ECHO Partners has just been signed by PuntoSud!
Development Cooperation
Launch of new search engine dedicated to calls for proposals and closure of the EuropeAid portal for calls for proposals
A new search engine dedicated to calls for proposals has been launched, offering enhanced and more precise search options compared to the previous EuropeAid platform.