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  • Category Virtual Classroom
  • Duration 20h
  • Language English
  • Date View Calendar

Virtual Classroom

Managing ECHO Humanitarian Actions

3-day virtual training module to strengthen the participants’ ability to implement an ECHO-funded action.

Course Description

Become familiar with the European Union Humanitarian Aid Action and its main objectives, including saving lives, alleviating suffering and protecting human dignity during and in the aftermath of emergencies, through material and logistical assistance. Know how ECHO, the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, implements humanitarian aid operations, through the cooperation with its partners and a complex set of regulations that define various roles and responsibilities. Acquire in-depth knowledge of the Partnership 2021 – 2027’s main provisions. Be able to propose and manage ECHO-funded actions and be aware of the rules that must be followed to ensure an adequate, effective, equitable and flexible delivery of aid.

Learning objectives

By the end of the course, you will be able to:


  • Understand how ECHO works; the roles and responsibilities of both ECHO and the implementing agencies; the legal framework and the working documents.
  • Understand the logic behind the Single Form format and know how to properly complete and submit it.
  • Correctly manage (and report on) the ECHO funded action in accordance with established rules and procedures.
  • Find all necessary information in the Model Grant Agreement, the supporting documents and the policy manuals.
Course structure and timing

By subscribing to this course, you will have access to a dedicated page on the PuntoSud learning platform. From here, you can join the live sessions, download the course materials and complete all the assignments.


The curse is structured in 3 days of 6 hours of interactive online live sessions combined with self-learning. Total time commitment over the period of the course is approximately 20 hours:


  • Preliminary tasks 1 hour – you will be asked to introduce yourself, complete the survey on training expectations and go through some preliminary training materials.


  • Live sessions18 hours – 3 sessions of 6 hours each - the session will be facilitated by PuntoSud  experts and includes lectures, plenary and group discussions, group work, quizzes and online interactive exercises. The live sessions will be recorded and made available in the learning platform.


  • Additional learning material30 mins – for the duration of the course, you will have at your disposal additional readings and documents, exercises and interactive eLearning modules that you can follow at your own pace.


  • Forum discussion – you can ask questions and share relevant information with the trainers and the other participants.


  • Final tasks30 mins – complete the exit test and fill out the evaluation form.
Who is this course for

This course is designed for:


  • University students, graduates, professionals and operators looking to work in the field of humanitarian aid, especially in ECHO programs.


This course serves both as introduction to and as specialization on ECHO specific procedures and policies.

Technical requirements

You will need access to a computer or tablet with a microphone and speakers or a headset, and an Internet connection. The course will be held over Zoom – no additional software is required.

How long you will have access to training material

All the material will be available 7 calendar days before the starting date and until 15 calendar days after the end of the last training session.

Certificate of attendance

Once you have completed all the training material and passed the exit test, your certificate of attendance for each specific course will be available to download from the learning platform. The certificates are always available in your profile page with historical data of all PuntoSud Academy courses you’ve attended.

How to enroll in this course

The course is delivered in partnership with ISPI School. To enroll in this course, send your CV though the webform available on ISPI’s website. By sending your CV you confirm that you have read and accepted “informativa CV” and the privacy policy.

If the application is accepted, applicants will be notified by email.

Payment can be made by bank transfer (every successful candidate will receive further details by email).

For further information please write to or call +39 02.863313223.


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EU Grants Learning HUB

Skill Level

Beginners - Intermediate



20% discount to the organizations wishing to enrol 2 or more employees

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